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Where and When?

The Montgomery Bus Boycott took place December, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama.


Who Were the Leaders?

The leaders of the protest began with Rosa Parks, and was followed by a series of boycotts(which means standing up for soemthing), which was led by Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy, and the SCLC(Southern Christian Leadership Conference).



What Were Their Goals?

Their goals wee for black bus passangers to be treated with courtesy, and be allowed to come sit down on a first come, first served basis, with whites sitting front to back, and blacks seated back to front.


99% of the city's black population refused to ride the bus, and instead they walked, rode their bikes, and carpooled. This resulted in the bus company losing thousands of dollars. Across the South, blacks resisted "moving to the back of the bus." Lastly, four churches and homes were bombed in an attempt to stop the boycott. 

Was it Successful?

Yes; it was successful. On November 23, 1956, the supreme court declared segragated busing unconstitutional. 



Hull, Mary. Rosa Parks. New York: Chelsea

   House, 1994. Print.

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