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The Hopi (Pueblo)



"All things have inner meaning and form and power."
- Hopi Tribe



-The Hopi Tribe is located near the Grand Canyon, primarily in Northeastern Arizona


-They built houses called Pueblos that were many stories high. The houses were made out of sandstone, and adobe walls, and the roofs  were made of pine, and juniper.


-The Hopi are referred to as "The Worlds Greatest Dry Farmers." They produce many varieties of corn, beans, squash, cotten, and tobacco.


-The existence and organization of a strong government is part of why the Hopi were successful. Each village has it's own government separate from each other, a tribal council that makes laws, as well as handles business policies.

-The Hopi favored a government, that connected with a strong matrilineal class system. 

Culture & Religion:

-The purpose of the Hopi (Pueblo) religion is to maintain an equal balance between nature and people in an aspect of life, that is ensured by the celebration of their ritual ceremonies.

-Encouraged friendliness, and sharing in Hopi children by giving them Katsina dolls, which were guardian spirits. 

-Women owned, and built houses. 

-Men farmed and hunted away from home. 

The Tribe & Their Enviornment:

-Used digging sticks, small rocks, brush and dirt dams, and a calander to plan through the year.

Relationships With Other Tribes:

-They welcomed people from other Pueblos who wanted to live free from the influence of the Spanish. 

-Known as peaceful people.

Relationship With European Explorers:

-They first met Coronado's people in 1540

-Although the Spanish made the Indians swear to the allegance of the spanish crown, and tried to take away their religious beliefs, the Spanish did not colonize the Hopi. 

What Makes Hopi Unique?

-One of the oldest living cultures in the world had highly specialized agriculture artistry, and used coal for mining. 





"Native American Tribes Overview: Their Culture and History." N.p., 2010. Web. 7 Sept. 2015. 


Pritzker, Barry, and Barry Pritzker. A Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and Peoples. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Print.

Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004. Print.

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